uusiksi/ Ammattikorkeakoulujen kehitettävä harjoittelupaikkojen hakumenetelmää

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#9 Re:

28.10.2014 08:32

#8: E -  

 That is probably part of the issue for some people, but it is to be expected with so many students and so few places. However, should it be expected and tolerated that EVERY year the system crashes and it takes a long time to even log in?



#17 Re: Re:

2014-10-28 20:54:10

#9: - - Re:  

Yeah, it crashed even when there were like 15 of my classmates practicing how to use it at the class at the same time :) and god knows how many was trying to use it yesterday. And over 500 unpleasent students is quite much and everyone hasnt even signed this just saying....