Vieraat joukot pois Suomesta - Rauhan ja aseistariisunnan puolesta

Vieraat joukot pois Suomesta - Rauhan ja aseistariisunnan puolesta / Tiedotteet / Adressin luovutus tiistaina 21.6. klo 12 Pikkuparlamentin puistossa / Kommentit



17.06.2016 14:45

hienoa..ulkomaiset asevoimat ja aseet pois suuomen maaperältä ja heti!!..niillä ei ole mitään tehtävää täällä



20.06.2016 12:20

All warmongering can be boiled down to nothing more than plain, old-fashioned, human greed. In Finland social welfare is seen as being directly dependent on competitive corporate power. To whatever extent this perception be fact or fiction, all people, especially (Finnish) politicians and entrepreneurs, need, now, to (re-)adapt rapidly to understanding that success in trade, and the maintenance of social welfare, is NOT dependent on NATO, the arms industry or arms race, which are, as protectors of manufactured wealth and human greed, the direct anti-thesis of our human purpose. Our common purpose, that also of the United Nations, that also of the Finnish Republic 'where everyone is equal before the law', is to establish an ecologically and socially equitable sustainable future. May Finland and all who reside in Finland stand strong together against the raw, capitalist, warmongers currently attempting to assert themselves over the civil process of human development.



20.06.2016 15:56

Euroa pereestä