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/ #342 Hezbollah leader makes speech via video link to a crowd of thousands in southern Beirut.

04.11.2014 14:30

Hezbollah leader makes speech via video link to a crowd of thousands in southern Beirut.



Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel on Tuesday that the Lebanese organization's rockets can reach all of Israel and will cause the closure of Ben-Gurion Airport and Haifa Port during any future conflict.

Nasrallah made a speech via video link to a crowd of thousands in southern Beirut in a speech marking the Shi'a Islam occasion of Ashoura.

“Israelis are saying in the media that they would have to close down Ben-Gurion Airport and the Haifa port and yes, that’s true,” Lebanon's Daily Star quoted Nasrallah as saying.

“You should close all of your airports and your ports because there is no place in the land of occupied Palestine that the resistance’s rockets cannot reach,” he added.

He rejected the notion that Hezbollah was overwhelmed by its involvement in the Syrian civil war and had become distracted from its "resistance" against Israel.

“They know that going to war with the resistance will be very costly because we are more determined, stronger, more experienced ... and we are capable of achieving such accomplishments.”