Kansanäänestys sukupuolineutraalin lakiehdotuksen kumoamiseksi


/ #150 Top 10 haittaa jotka sukupuolinuetraali avioliittolaki saa aikaan

08.12.2014 13:07

Top 10 haittaa jotka sukupuolinuetrali avioliittolaki saa aikaan

1. Taxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be forced to subsidize homosexual relationships. 

2. Schools would teach that homosexual relationships are identical to heterosexual ones. 

3. Freedom of conscience and religious liberty would be threatened. 

4. Fewer people would marry

5. Fewer people would remain monogamous and sexually faithful. 

6. Fewer people would remain married for a lifetime

7. Fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father

8. More children would grow up fatherless or motherless

9. Birth rates would fall

10. Demands for legalization of polygamy would grow. = Vaatimuksut moniavioisuudelle lisääntyy

lähde: http://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF11B30.pdf


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