Merimetsot riistalinnuiksi


/ #293 Täyttä puppua

31.07.2015 06:53

Tämä aloite on täyttä puppua ja perustuu virheelliseen tietoon. Tässä esimerkki: 


Q: I have read an article which claims that the sinensis sub-species is not a native bird in Europe but an 'alien' that was imported from China in the 17th century. Is that true?
A: There is no evidence for this. It is true that ‘sinensis’ means ‘Chinese’, but this name was given to the sinensis sub-species only as late as 1930, when the experts decided to categorise all cormorants on the Eurasian continent, from Europe to China, as one sub-species. Before that the sinensis cormorants in Europe had been classified as separate subspecies e.g.Phalacrocorax carbo subcormoranus or Phalacroc orax carbo medius. There are a large number of pre-historic records of cormorants in the Baltic region suggesting that the species did breed here in pre-historic times. However, at present most indications are that these cormorants belonged to the subspecies ‘carbo’.

Lisää voitte lukea täältä: EU Commission

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