Emme äänestä sukupuolineutraalia avioliittoa kannattavia


/ #133 Re: Re: Ei voi olla totta

12.09.2010 02:45

Miksi viittaat tekstissäni vain tuohon yhteen lähteeseen "The Marriage Law Project (MLP), etkä noihin muihin lähteisiin kuten Lerner and Nagai, jotka ovat tilastollisen tutkimuksen alla ansioituneita tutkijoita. Mielestäni tuossa viitattiin ihan asiallisiin lähteisiin eri näkökulmistakin katsottuna. 

Vilkaisin tätä Lerner & Nagain juttua ja syvä huokaus. Lernerin ja Nagain tutkimushan on tuon Marraige Law Projektin eli katolisen yliopiston touhuja! Kirjasta ei löydy googlettamalla juuri mitään ja se näyttäisi olevan aivan turha tekele. MItään järkeviä arviointeja en kirjalle löydä, ja kaikki linkit johtaa paikkoihin joitten nimessä on jotan tyyliin "Americans for Truth" tai "Concerned Mothers".

Tästä tekstistä kannattaisi lukea kohta 6


josta lainaus

The research designs used in the studies on gay parents and their children are the predominant methods used throughout the entire discipline of psychology. Opponents of gay parents attempt to hold a specific area of psychological research to a standard that is not applicable to research in this field. If their complaints about the research on gay parent families were valid, the vast majority of research in child development, and in the field of psychology more broadly, would have to be dismissed as unscientific.

The anti-gay activists' characterization of the body of research on gay parents as flawed is baseless. More to the point, they fail to produce any studies supporting the contrary position that lesbians and gay men are less capable parents or that their children are disadvantaged in any way. Those who do claim to have such studies are referring to the work of Paul Cameron. As discussed in Chapter 4, Cameron, who runs the anti-gay advocacy organization, the Family Research Institute, has been thoroughly discredited in his profession for distorting the data on homosexuality.

Lisäksi oikeasti Amerikan lastenlääkäriliiton kanta on seuraava

Increasing numbers of children have been adopted by gay or lesbian individuals or couples in recent years. In some states this has stimulated political debate and public policy change. A growing body of scientific literature reveals that children who grow up with one or two gay and/or lesbian parents will develop emotionally, cognitively, socially, and sexually as well as children whose parents are heterosexual. Parents’ sexual orientation is much less important than having loving and nurturing parents.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes the diversity of families. We believe that children who are born to, or adopted by, one member of a gay or lesbian couple deserve the security of two legally recognized parents. Therefore, we support statutory and legal means to enable children to be adopted by the second parent or coparent in families headed by gay and lesbian couples.

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