#FreeIsabelle ‼️‼️ 2 vuotias suomalaisen naisen tytär pitää VÄLITTÖMÄSTI VAPAUTTAA ja PÄÄSTÄ 🔙 TAKAISIN OMAN ÄITINSÄ LUOKSE!!!! Ruotsi kaappasi hänet 26.8.2022

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FREE ISABELLE! #stopchildtrafficking 2 year old daughter needs to be return ASAP back to her own mother!!!! Sweden kidnapped her on the 26th of August 2022!

2023-02-17 01:43:42


The BASIC HUMANRIGHTS are that the child has the right for her/he's own parents!  According to the social laws in the whole Scandinavia; the child has the rights for her both parents. According to the social laws: they should unite families and try the best to help them, not to seperate them! They should never steal the children away" only in some very few cases. This is all about #corruption and fasism!!!! The social workers have a lot of power in Scandinavia and they are using their power completely in a wrong way! They are seperating families by purpose and they are stealing the babies and children away from their own parents!!!!!  The child's best is ofcourse her OWN mother, nobody else!  The social people are making a lot of money and there have been several suicides that the parents made when they lost their children! Also the children who have been abducted away: they make suicides when they get older, they also get more mental problems, and get involved with drugs etc. 

This petition is for 2 year old Isabelle and for her #humanrights!!!  She was seperated from her own mother by force when she was only almost two years old, on the 26th of August 2022. She was with her own mother Johanna right from when she was born and she had been with her all the time. This petition is also for the other children who have been seperated from their parents againts their own will or against the will of the parents. This is about very serious crimes against the Basic humanrights and for the real right for the child to be together wirh her own mother! With this petition we are asking that Sweden returns Isabelle BACK to her own mother right away!!!!! Her mother is from Finland who has Finnish citizenship. Sweden doesn't have any rights to abduct a little girl away from her own mother!!!!

Sweden has had many scandals: that the families where the children are replaced, use pedofilia, and also mental or physical violence (like the are forcing children to eat foods that they don't like etc.)  This petition is about HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!  The most important years for the human are the first three years when she is born. These countries in Scandinavia as Finland and Sweden, are seriously harming the children and their well being!  Children get traumatized when they are being seperated by force from their own parents! 


With this petition I'm asking that Isabelle will be returned BACK to her own mother Johanna IMMEDIATELY!!!! She loves her own mother and she had the best to be together with her! 


The citicen of Finland: mother who has the citizenship of Finland: her daughter has been kidnapped by Sweden and she is somewhere in unknown Swedish family raised by unknown people now!!!!! The parents of the child, neither the grandparents have not seen the child since 26th of August 2022 when Johanna was arrested in France! She was arrested because the social workers in Sweden put the police after her. She was suffering in jail for around 2 and half months! 

PLEASE RETURN ISABELLE BACK TO HER OWN MOTHER RIGHT AWAY!!!!!!!  Please SIGN this petition against #humantrafficking and against #corruption!  Thank you and God bless you 

Johanna Tukiainen

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