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/ #14278 Re: Re:

24.05.2013 11:57

#14244: taku - Re:

FAKTAA jottei täydy valehdella!



Myth 9: Parents can get rid of their handicapped child

This is not considered euthanasia, since very young, severely disabled children, or babies with hardly a chance of survival, cannot ask for an end to their lives, or give permission for it. But this form of merciful death does exist, and is referred to as 'life-ending action without the express wish of the patient'. Doctors and parents decide jointly not to begin medical treatment, or to discontinue one, if it is deemed pointless, or because the situation lacks any hope of improvement.

Children aged between 12 and 16 can decide that they want euthanasia, but they still need the approval of their parents or carers. Teenagers aged 16 and 17 are considered adult enough to take the decision on their own.