Oulun kansainvälistä koulua ei saa heikentää ja halvaannuttaa

Neil Berry

/ #6

16.11.2014 17:02

It is very sad that this may be happening.  I suppose that in some ways, the school was always a potential target in any cost cutting measures needed by the City of Oulu.  However, in my opinion, this is short sighted and at a time when Oulu needs to attract new investment, both foreign and domestic, it is important to fight for the diversity that a proper international school truly provides as well as those who provde it and those who benefit from it.  For the 4 years that we lived and worked in Oulu, the school provided a good education for our children, a safe environment, a place of work and a place of community, where people from all over the world came together.  This same international group largely made a significant contribution to the wider Oulu community, through their taxes, spending in the community, delivering professional services and through academic advancement at the University....many also give back to the community through different forms of voluntary service and support.  

I accept that Oulu, like so many other Finnish municipalities, is facing tough budget decisions and a financial squeeze, as well as many competing needs.  However, cutting services like the international school could actually have a detrimental impact on the wider City by creating a barrier to attracting new investment at the very time it may need it most!  Let's not pretend this is easy....it is not and there are no snap answers.  Equally though, Oulu has branded itself for many years as an International and Innovative City....perhaps it is time to stand up and truly stand behind this for the good of everyone. We still have many friends and colleagues in Oulu at the school and we stand with them in their plight to protect something that is bigger than just another school, it is an essential local service and contributes to the development of the next generation.