Kannabis lailliseksi

Mikko Jurinen

/ #1201 My finnish is bad to im gonna say this is english

12.04.2009 13:33

The reason cannabis is illegal is economics. Because there is like a 1000 different things that marijuana would fix that pharmaceutical drugs fix right now. And it would cost them millions and millions of dollars/euros.
In the USA there are these commercials where they basically tell you "dont do drugs". And these commerciels are sponsored by alchohol companies, which is apsolutely hilarious because ALCHOHOL IS ALSO A DRUG! Just because it has a label and can be bought from a store doesnt mean its not a drug.
And I dont buy the whole 'cannabis damages your lungs' thing. I have been smoking weed for atleast 4 years now, I work out 5 times a week, work my daily job 6 times a week and my cardio is fantastic!
And people also say that it takes away your motivation, and thats not true. I am much more motivated about life then I was before I started smoking. It will only take away your motivation from something that freaking sucks!