Ei Moskeijaa Mellunmäkeen


/ #119 Ei ääri muslimeille

05.01.2011 17:55

Historia on todistanut että muslimit ja islam on aina ollu väkivaltainen ja väkisin levitty eteenpäin. olen itte Iranista paikka joka, Islamin tulon jälkeen tuhoitui ihan täysin :( ne sai Iranista islami valtioksi miekalla ja aseilla. plz olkaa varovaisia että Suomessa ei tapahtuis näin. Iranissa on nyt sillä tavalla että henkilötodistuksessa luke Muslimi jos ei et saa mitään valtion palveluita käyttää.

(The Main religion of the Persian (Iranian) Nation/Empire from it's inception as a civilization by its founding father; Cyrus the Great, has been the Zoroastrian Religion.
It's focus is the teachings of Zoroaster. This was predominately the main religion of the Persians and most other Aryan nations, tribes and peoples who have spoken and still speak an Indo-European dialect known as Farsi, which has been a great influence on many European languages including English, French and German.
The most significant conversion of Persians to Islam came during a series of Arab crusades and culminated in the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which created an Islamic state, where the religion was enforced upon all citizens. Many Persian that protested these forced adaptations of foriegn cultures and religions were silence by death.
Today, Iran is in a struggle by the new generation in Iran between the forced Islamic Dictatorship and their beloved Ethnic and Cultural Identity. The new generation accounts for over 70% of the current population and is under the age of 30, and many are increasingly finding it difficult to find the true Iranian Identity admits the foreign religious influence which has not come by way of voluntary means.)

Olen ollu suomessa noin 8v. älkää välittäkö kirjoitusvirheistä :D