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A little girl with a great God

/ #33 Re: Hihhuli

21.12.2012 01:30

#26: Suuri Ateismos! - Hihhuli 

 I don't think this has anything to do with homophobia (fearing the person inclined to a certain type of sin), but rather the fear of the allmighty God and acknowleding his authority and therefore the authority of His word. I have several gay individuals as my friends and I try to love and respect them as I would any other human being. Being a human being I am a sinner myself and will be a sinner until my dying breath; however, the difference is that I know my Saviour and I know that He (read: Jesus Christ) has paid the price for my sin. I have been justified before God. The difference is not the type of sins we do because God does not rate them in a particular order. It is sin itself that separates us from God. Therefore the biggest problem with homosexual individuals, as with all of us, is rejecting God as the King of our lives. So my friend, get your facts right before you make your statements about homophobia.