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#26 Se että naapuri ampuu itseään jalkaan ei tarkoita, että itsekkin pitäisi.

19.11.2014 10:06

#1: Jookos kookos - Nope 

Maksuton koulutus on yksi niistä harvoista syistä jonka vuoksi tänne ylipäätänsä tullaan opiskelemaan. (Suomi ei nyt vaan ole kauhean houkutteleva paikka ja jos opinoista vielä pitäisi maksaa, niin ei houkuttelevuudesta olisi paljoa jäljellä.)

Siitä, että tänne tullaan opiskelemaan on puolestaan merkittävää hyötyä kansantaloudelle. Yli puolet tänne opiskelemaan tulleista jää myös työskentelemään ja näistä henkilöistä Suomi saa kovasti kaipaamaansa osaamista huomattvan halvalla. (Ei tarvitse kuin tarjota kuin vain korkeakoulutus.)





19.11.2014 20:18

In my opinion, this is a self destructive decision by the government of Finland. The present world represents cosmopolitanism, whereas Finnish government is now discouraging foreign student to come and study. It is also expensive for the students of, specially, third world countries to meet the demand. International environment also helps to improve the reputation of the University in World Ranking, and I think it is very important for this very old and highly reputed education institute. and this University is also a impeccable glory of Finland.

#28 Shocked!

19.11.2014 20:49

KI  was shocked to receive this email about tuition fees. It seems pretty obvious that Finland does not have enough resources to educate it's own young people, since so many of them are left without a place to study after high school. They must re-apply several times into Finnish universities or choose to study abroad (and pay for it). Instead of providing a place to study for finns, some people think, it is better to give these spots to foreigners for free!!! That is absolutely grazy. 



20.11.2014 08:43

Jos maksuille saadaan pää auki, niin kohta ne koskevat kaikkia. Tämä on erittäin huono skenario, koska meillä ei pienenä kansakuntana yksinkertaisesti ole varaa mihinkään eliitin yliopistoihin.
Päättäjät näkevät yliopistot vain kulunkina, kun eivät osaa laskea ja arvioida hyötyjä.Todellisuudessa jokainen euro koulutukseen poikii vähintäin monisatakertaisesti pitkässä juoksussa!
Kuinka paljon siitä on hyötyä vienti- ja yhteistyöponnisteluille, jos esim. jonkun Afrikan valtion pääministeri on saanut Suomessa koulutuksensa ja arvostaa suomalaisia? Miettikää nyt hel***issä vähän!



20.11.2014 09:48

Free education, equality to all please.
Do not feed the troll that screams "equality, but more equality to some!".

Also please consider that Finland does not offer a lot of opportunities to foreigners unless you are an IT professional! Why pay for it when you won't even be given a job interview? Why pay for it when you can learn a Germanic language easier and find jobs easier in a different european country? You cannot think of the meaning of charging tuition fees in clinical isolation against other factors once you turn us the students into "customers".

Thank you to all our Finnish brothers and sisters who support us. We bow before you.


#31 Re: Free education to foreigners

20.11.2014 09:53

#8: Dr. Evil - Free education to foreigners 

 Absolutely. Thank you for pointing out the unpleasent truth to our local friends.

isänmaan mies


20.11.2014 10:46

pitäkö vielä maksaa koulutuskin näille mamuille jotka tulee ja raiskaa ja tartutaa vielä ebolankin???? ei  hellveti ulos vaan mamut ja hurrit!!!!!!!!!!!1



20.11.2014 11:50

Meillä on jo nyt työttömiä maistereita n. 40 000.  Tarvitaanko ulkomailta vielä lisää?


#34 Re: Re:

20.11.2014 11:54

#10: - Re:  

"Talking to the wall"? I don ´t think so... my signature to the proposal might be a microscopic way of expressing my opinion, however, if you took the time to read this comment it seems that these words did not remain in the "emptiness of internet". One more thing, this petition will be submitted to the universities leadership as well as national decision-makers; who knows.. - like you - they might have a bit of curiosity about this topic and actually read opinions posted on this platform...


#35 Re:

20.11.2014 15:11

#5: -  

 Ne opiskelijathan sitä rikollisuutta juuri tuovat

Logic corrector

#36 Re:

21.11.2014 11:36

#33: -  

"There are 40 k unemployed master's graduates therefore we should charge 4000€ to all non-EU people."

If this is the kind of logical induction skills you get from masters', no wonder why you are feeling threatened by the foreign talent. 



21.11.2014 11:38

(1) International non-EU students do not get benefits or student loans. 

(2) Non-EU students are very unlikely to get student jobs with poor Finnish language skills. 

(3) Internatonal non-EU students spend a lot of money just by living in Finland (nearly €1000 each month on living costs alone).


Finland already makes a profit off the international students.


No need to get greedy Finland! Greed does not look good on you!


#38 Re:

23.11.2014 09:34

#37: -  



#39 Re: Re:

23.11.2014 09:35

#36: Logic corrector - Re:  

"If this is the kind of logical induction skills you get from masters', no wonder why you are feeling threatened by the foreign talent. "



#40 Re: Re: Re:

23.11.2014 09:43

#34: - Re: Re:  

 We signed the petition and read the comments becuase this concerns us. But as I said, you are/we are (most probably) talking to the WALL, I am afraid so!

No matter how much you explain to the MINISTER and other decision makers who have no clue about a foreign student's difficluties in Finland. I believe they are up there to make money. That is all that matters to many modern Finns.






23.11.2014 12:31

the introduction of high tuition fees for foreign students feels, to me, undemocratic and unfair to say the least. there should be equal possibilities for everyone regardless their nationality, and that of course goes also for higher education.


#42 Re: Re:

24.11.2014 08:05

#23: - Re:  

 On parempi lähettää suomalaisia ulkomaille kansainvälistymään, eikä päinvastoin. Lontoon huippuyliopiston kasvattina voin suoraan sanoa, että Suomessa on parempi opiskeluinfrastruktuuri, mutta vähäisempi opiskelupakko ja -motivaatio. Ulkomaalaiset ovat kuitenkin kiinnostuneita, kunhan vain voimme tarjota tasokkaat, englanninkieliset opintokokonaisuudet. Kaukoidän isät ja äidit maksavat lastensa opinnot mielellään. Lontoo tarjoaa tietenkin paljon myös työpaikkoja ja muita mahdollisuuksia, joita meillä ei ole, olipa opinnot meillä ilmaiset tai eivät. Voin tietysti olla väärässä, mutta parikymmenvuotisen yliopisto- ja yrityskokemukseni mukaan Suomi ei ulkomaalaisia tarvitse Suomessa vaan omissa kotimaissaan!


#43 Re: Shocked!

24.11.2014 08:10



24.11.2014 19:37

I want to hear from the Ministry's opinion. Since they charge only non EU/EEA students, who are poorer groups in my opinion. Perhaps they want "poorer" students coming to Finland selectively? Then I think they will fail. I believe the most attractive aspect that students choose to study in Finland is the free tuition.

If they charge students, probably government will reduce the pressure that poor students giving them (I know the situation where students want/must work to fulfill living expenses and not concentrate on studying). However, they also lose many, many prospect students too. Career future is harsh, life is so calm, nearly no English program in Universities' barchelors degrees (I prefer study in Uni to UAS but I can't).

I love Finland, so peaceful that I love it the most. I don't like the crowded Germany. But if Finland charges the fees, I have to choose Germany. Luckily I'm studying in Finland.



24.11.2014 20:55

FInland is gonna go down because of that.



24.11.2014 21:13

You guys want 4000eu/year with cost living 6700eu/year. It's about 10000eu/year. With some countries, Viet Nam is an example, salary is about 1700 dollar per year. So it's mean that we dont have any chance to study in your country.
以他妈的什 曼突

#47 哭泣。亲亲

25.11.2014 04:31

你可以他妈 的什.么狗屁 这里哭泣。亲亲我 的屁股供应商
。脸颊的歌词让 人.想起 在西.方佳能的. 笔.试部分的中心自己的位.置托马斯 ·曼.的认识,但没有 德.国前的这种.意 识的谦卑.。脸颊哲学各种各样 的.导师可以通过. 艾德 曼突. 全球领.先的词典,英 语维基百科,它是.由面颊一两句话,一篇 长文。它比大.英百科全书. 相当于 延.长了两句话。
Solid Snake


25.11.2014 04:33

Do you know person who designed metal-gear ?


#49 To the xenophobes who write in Finnish that Finland does not need foreigners

25.11.2014 12:08



25.11.2014 12:59

Please don't vanish my dream