
/ #973 refuseniks

09.09.2011 06:38

To be sure, a majority of Israelis regard the refuseniks and their supporters as "traitors" and "Hamas lovers".

None the less, a growing and increasingly vocal minority of Israeli intellectuals and citizens back them, arguing that "conscientious objectors" in the armed forces represent the "the Jewish people's true moral ideal" of "not doing unto others what one wouldn't others to do unto you".

Since the outbreak of the present intifada in September 2000, the Israeli army and paramilitary Jewish settlers have killed more than 3400 Palestinians, a majority of them innocent civilians, including some 640 children and minors.

Thousands of others have been injured, many of them disabled for life.

During the same period, as many 950 Israeli soldiers, settlers and civilians have been killed by armed Palestinian fighters, including human bombers.