Suomen HALLITUKSEN pyydettävä anteeksi Israelilta!


/ #2239 Azerbaidzan kieltää, että olisi luvannut lentokenttiä Israelin käyttöön

30.03.2012 04:15

Published 18:32 29.03.12Latest update 18:32 29.03.12

Azerbaijan denies granting Israel access to air bases on Iran border

A Foreign Policy magazine report on Wednesday claimed Israel was given access to Azerbaijani air bases in the event of an Iran strike.

By Haaretz
Tags: Iran

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Azerbaijan denied claims in a U.S. magazine report on Thursday that it granted Israel access to air bases on the border it shares with Iran, in the event of a future attack on Iran.

According to Wednesday's report Foreign Policy magazine, senior U.S. diplomats and military intelligence officials claim that the Israel Air Force would be given access to land in Azerbaijan in the event of an Iran strike.

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