Ehdoton EI Uudenkaupungin Hyttyskarin tuulivoimalahankkeelle

All the green crap

/ #46 Tuulivoima menettää tukensa

11.05.2014 14:29

”Tuulivoima menettää tukensa”

Kainuun Sanomat uutisoi tänään nähtävästi yllä olevalla otsikolla.

"UK Prime Minister David Cameron backed off his promise to run the “greenest government ever” last November when he told aides to “get rid of all the green crap” from UK energy bills to help bring down costs — which are spiraling out of control.

Cameron and his cabinet have been critical of wind farm subsidies along with solar subsidies as well. In 2011, his Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said: “If we burden [businesses] with endless social and environmental goals — however worthy in their own right — then not only will we not achieve those goals, but the businesses will fail, jobs will be lost, and our country will be poorer.”"

Espanjan tilanne on ollut kyllä selvillä jo kauan, nyt se ilmoitus sitten tuulivoiman tukien lopettamisesta tuli.