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/ #223

21.12.2014 14:13



Ranskan entinen presidentti Nicolas Sarkocy on lain kumoamisen kannalla.

Sarkocy,  joka kampanjoi keskusta-oikeistolaisen puolueen UMP:n johdossa, ja jonka odotetaan nousevan presidentiksi uudelleen v.2017 

Referring to the “mariage pour tous” or “marriage for all” legislation,  he said it needed “rewriting from top to bottom”.

Eli laki olisi perusteellisesti myllättävä uusiksi  Sarkocyn mielestä.  Hän sai  3000 ihmisen yleisön huutamaan ääneen:  Kumoon,  kumoon, (tai jotain sinnepäin!)


His comments, two weeks before the UMP’s hotly contested leadership election, prompted catcalls from the 3,000-strong audience and cries of “Repeal! Repeal!”. Sarkozy, appearing rattled, responded: “If you’d rather one says repeal the law and make another one … in French, that’s saying the same thing. It comes to the same result. But hey, if that makes you happy, then frankly, it doesn’t cost much.”

Sarkozy explained he was in favour of some form of marriage for same-sex couples, but something different from that for heterosexuals. He said he opposed surrogate parenthood for same-sex couples.

The same-sex marriage legislation is known officially as the Taubira law, named after the justice minister Christiane Taubira who oversaw its introduction.