Adressi Koulukiusaamista Vastaan

Susanne Viinamäki
Adressin tekijä


10.04.2009 20:42

Perjantai 10.4.2009 klo 12.58
Kolme ihmistä haavoittui kouluun tehdyssä hyökkäyksessä Kreikassa perjantaina. Paikallisten viestinten mukaan hyökkääjä oli jättänyt jälkeensä viestin, jossa hän sanoi, ettei enää kestä nöyryytystä koulussa.

The gunman left a note accusing his fellow students of picking on him, and posted the message on a social networking site.

"I have now reason to continue living. But, unluckily for you, I'm too selfish to leave and let you keep living ... ," he said in the note which was written in Greek.

"For me, you are all garbage. ...Whoever I see on the morning of April 10 will immediately become a target," he wrote, adding that he had been "rejected" by someone he had fallen in love with. "Until now, I have received nothing but rejection and contempt from those around me."