Kannabis lailliseksi

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/ #2029 Kannabista ei saa laillistaa

09.08.2010 19:46

Kun etsitään syytä esim. Intiassa riehuvaan väkivaltaisuuteen niin yksi varteenotettava seikka on seuraava----

Islamin uskonto kieltää esim. alkoholinkäytön, kohtuullisenkin.
Kuitenkin ihmisen luonteelle on ominaista, että hän hakee jotain "piisteitä" ikäänkuin vaihteluksi tavalliseen arki-elämään.

Islamin uskontoon soveltuu hyvin sellainen "piriste" joka ei näy päällepäin eikä haise (niinkuin alkoholi haisee ja näkyykin mm. hoiperteluna ja puheen sönkkäyksenä) ja silloin se on KANNABIS. Kasvaa myös islamin maissa jopa luonnossa.

Eli nämä terroristit intiassa ovat kannbiksen käyttäjiä.

Tämä kirjoitus löytyi "Tiede" palstalta.

"ihminen muuttuu räjähtelevämmäksi...
Tuosta räjähtelevyydestä sai kärsiä mm. kuuluisa englantilainen musiikkituottaja Lisa Voice!

Cannabis psychotic nearly killed me

Kannabiksen aiheuttamasta psykoosista kärsivä ihminen voi olla hengenvaarallinen ja äärimmäisen väkivaltainen!

A WEALTHY music producer has spoken about the dangers of cannabis after being viciously assaulted in her home by a family friend who had been made psychoticby the drug.

he was asleep when the 20-year-old family friend, who was in her home in north London, attacked her in her bedroom. He punched her repeatedly, tried to strangle her and jumped on her head.

He subsequently pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm. Medical experts concluded that he was mentally unstable at the time of the assault due to “cannabis psychosis”. He will be sentenced at Middlesex crown court tomorrow.

Voice’s injuries were so severe that on the night of the attack doctors warned her family that she was unlikely to live. She lost some of her vision when her eye sockets were smashed and has had her nose rebuilt with ear cartilage.

Ennen kannabiksen käyttöä hyökkääjä ei ollut osoittanut merkkejä väkivaltaisuudesta.

“He (her attacker) was a kind, sweet boy I had known for more than a year and welcomed into the family. But a few days before the attack I noticed he was acting strangely. I suspected he was smoking cannabis.

“Then I woke up to find myself being attacked. He broke my jaw, totally destroyed my nose, smashed my skull and my whole face now needs wires and metal plates to function. I am a bionic woman as a result of this assault.”

Asiantuntijat: "Hyökkäys johtui kannabiksesta"

Police and medical experts believe the cannabis triggered a psychotic incident — the assault.

Dr Shahrokh Mireskandari, her lawyer, said: “Let government ministers who say cannabis is a harmless drug come and explain that decision to Mrs Voice and her many doctors. Cannabis should never have been reclassified and people such as Mrs Voice now face a lifetime of pain because of the dangers of this drug.”

Valitettavasti tapaus ei ole mitenkään ainutlaatuinen.

Details of her attack come within weeks of the government decision not to return cannabis to its previous higher classification. It will remain a class C drug despite warnings from the Royal College of Psychiatrists that there is evidence linking use of the drug to psychosis and violence