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#86 Re: Ei voi olla totta

11.09.2010 20:43

#83: Vieras - Ei voi olla totta Kansainvälisen tiedemaailman :D?

 Miksi viittaat tekstissäni vain tuohon yhteen lähteeseen "The Marriage Law Project (MLP), etkä noihin muihin lähteisiin kuten Lerner and Nagai, jotka ovat tilastollisen tutkimuksen alla ansioituneita tutkijoita. Mielestäni tuossa viitattiin ihan asiallisiin lähteisiin eri näkökulmistakin katsottuna.

Alla vielä hieman enenmmän lainauksia käyttämästäni lähteestä ja kyllähän näitä löytyy muitakin. Varsin paljon arvostelua asian suhteen on tullut Yhdysvaltain lastenlääkäriliiton jäsenistöltä ja tämä on kuitenkin faktatietoa, minkä voit nopeasti itsekin selvittää jo pelkästään "Googlettamalla". 

Mielenkiintoista on myös selvitys (the American Sociological Review study reports 64 percent of young adults raised by lesbian mothers reported considering having same-sex relationships, Stacey and Biblarz, 2001, p. 170.), että 64 prosenttia lesboäidin kanssa kasvaneista nuorista päätyisi itse samanlaiseen suhteeseen. Että uskoisin sillä todellakin olevan merkitystä lapsen kannalta, missä ympäristössä kasvaa, vai miten?


OLR Backgrounders on Related Topics

  • Same-Sex Partners in Connecticut (2002-R-0834)
  • Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Partnerships (2002-R-0841)
  • History of Civil Marriage in Connecticut:  Selected Changes (2002-R-0850)


Statements of Professional Associations

Critiques of Parenting Studies

  • Lerner and Nagai, “No Basis:  What the Studies Don’t Tell Us About Same-Sex Parenting” (Marriage Law Project, 2001) http://marriagelaw.cua.edu/secure/No%20Basis.pdf
  • Stacy and Biblarz, “(How) does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?” American Sociological Review 66:159-183 (Apr. 2001)
  • Wardle, “The Potential Impact of Homosexual Parenting on Children,” University of Illinois Law Review 1997:833-919


Marriage and Divorce Rates

  The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced on Feb. 4, 2002, "a growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with one or two gay or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual."1 Based on this, the AAP states it supports "legislative and legal efforts" to allow homosexuals to adopt their partner's children.2

Many in the media have used this statement from the respected AAP as a discussion-closer on whether heterosexual parenting is good or bad. The AAP says the gender of parents doesn't matter, so the media figure it must not really matter, either. The members of the AAP know better. An e-mail memo to select members of the Academy laments:

"the AAP has received more messages — almost all of them CRITICAL — from members about the recent Policy Statement on coparent adoption than it has EVER received on any other topic ... . This is a serious problem, as it means that it will become harder to continue the work we have been doing to use the AAP as a vehicle for positive change."3

Pediatricians are responding so strongly against the Academy's statement because they know what the research says and what is best for children. Neither supports homosexual adoption.

The Research on Homosexual Parenting

Contrary to what the AAP claims, the research comparing outcomes from homosexual parenting and heterosexual parenting are notoriously inconclusive. There is a larger body of scientific literature showing children need a mother and father for proper socialization.

Consider the following:

• Drs. Robert Lerner and Althea Nagai, professionals in the field of quantitative analysis, conducted a study for the Marriage Law Project looking at forty-nine empirical studies on same-sex parenting. The title of their study, "No Basis," is their conclusion, for they find no basis for the conclusion that children raised by homosexual parents look just like those raised by heterosexual parents. Why? As Lerner and Nagai explain, "The studies on which such claims are based are all gravely deficient." They found at least one fatal research flaw in each of the studies examined. The primary problem they found was the use of very small and unrepresentative study samples, with missing or inadequate comparison groups. In addition, most of the research subjects volunteered for the studies and some participants were allowed to recruit other participants. Each of the authors of these studies, with one exception, wish to influence public policy in support of homosexual families. Lerner and Nagai conclude, "For these reasons, the studies are no basis for good science or good public policy."4

• Steven Nock, professor of sociology at the University of Virginia, has also reviewed the full body of literature and arrives at the same conclusion. When asked what we can conclude from the current literature, Nock cautioned, "I don't think we can draw any conclusions in either direction. These studies, because of sample and methodological problems, just don't give us enough information to make any pronouncements. The literature is inconclusive."5 Nock says the only conclusion we can draw is that better research is desperately needed.

• Another recent study in the Journal of Marriage and the Family, analyzing the current research on homosexual parenting, finds "a persistent limitation of these studies, however, is that most rely on small samples of White, middle-class, previously married lesbians and their children. As a result, we cannot be confident concerning the generalizability of many of the findings ... ."6

The American Sociological Review explains it is currently "impossible to fully distinguish the impact of parent's sexual orientation on a child" because most homosexual child-rearing homes didn't start out fresh from birth, but are clouded by the dynamics of divorce, re-mating, and step-parenting issues that are problematic in themselves and separate from issues related to gender of the parents. While the authors of this study are sympathetic with homosexual parenting, they "disagree with those who claim that there are no differences between the children of heterosexual parents and children of lesbigay parents ... ."7 They indicate that problems of gender identity and sexuality might be greater for children raised by homosexual parents than any of the studies recognize.8

• Specifically, the American Sociological Review study reports 64 percent of young adults raised by lesbian mothers reported considering having same-sex relationships. Only 17 percent of young adults in heterosexual families reported the same thing.9

• The Academy even admits in its own report that "the small and non-representative samples studied and the relatively young age of children suggest some reserve." But they ignore their own caution and state that everything works out great for children raised by homosexual parents.

Why Children Need a Mother and a Father

There is an absolute mountain of social science research showing that children who are raised with their married mother and father do far better in every measure of well-being than children who grow up in any other family situation.10 Rarely is the social science literature as conclusive as it is on this point.



1 Ellen C. Perrin, MD, "Technical Report: Coparent and Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents," Pediatrics, Vol. 109 No. 2, (2002) p. 341.
2 "Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents," Pediatrics, Vol. 109, No. 2, (2002) p. 339.
3 Email memo from Ellen Perrin, MD, dated February 15, 2002.
4 Robert Lerner, Ph.D., Althea Nagai, Ph.D. No Basis: What the Studies Don't Tell Us About Same Sex Parenting, Washington DC; Marriage Law Project/Ethics and Public Policy Center, 2001.
5 Phone interview with Dr. Steven Nock, February 1, 2002.
6 David Demo and Martha Cox, "Families with Young Children: A Review of Research in the 1990s," Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62 (2000), p. 889.
7 Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz, "(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?" American Sociological Review, 66 (2001) 159-183.
8 Stacey and Biblarz, 2001, p. 167.
9 Stacey and Biblarz, 2001, p. 170.
10 Glenn T. Stanton, Why Marriage Matters: Reason to Believe in Marriage in Postmodern Society, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1997); David Popenoe, Life Without Father, (New York; The Free Press, 1996); Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur, Growing Up With a Single Parent: What Helps, What Hurts, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994).



#89 Re: Re: Ei voi olla totta

2010-09-11 21:02:37

Specifically, the American Sociological Review study reports 64 percent of young adults raised by lesbian mothers reported considering having same-sex relationships. Only 17 percent of young adults in heterosexual families reported the same thing.9

 Tämä on niin tätä, miten asiat haluaa muotoilla ja minkä näkökannan niihin haluaa ottaa. Kaiken saa näyttämään ikävältä, jos niin haluaa. Luin tästä samasta jutusta mutta en nyt sitten enää löydä sitä. Mutta pointti oli, että vaikka noin moni "harkitsi" suhdetta samaa sukupuoleen, niinkuin tuossakin ovelasti muotoillaan, he kuintenkin käytännössä päätyivät heterosuhteeseen. On ihan ymmärrettävää, että sateenkaariperheessä kasvaneella voi olla suurempi syy "harkita" kuin heteroperheessä kasvaneella, mutta käytännössä kumppani valitaan kumminkin "oikean" seksuaalisen suuntautumisen  mukaan, jos näin vois sanoa, oli se sitten homo tai hetero.


#133 Re: Re: Ei voi olla totta

2010-09-12 02:45:13

Miksi viittaat tekstissäni vain tuohon yhteen lähteeseen "The Marriage Law Project (MLP), etkä noihin muihin lähteisiin kuten Lerner and Nagai, jotka ovat tilastollisen tutkimuksen alla ansioituneita tutkijoita. Mielestäni tuossa viitattiin ihan asiallisiin lähteisiin eri näkökulmistakin katsottuna. 

Vilkaisin tätä Lerner & Nagain juttua ja syvä huokaus. Lernerin ja Nagain tutkimushan on tuon Marraige Law Projektin eli katolisen yliopiston touhuja! Kirjasta ei löydy googlettamalla juuri mitään ja se näyttäisi olevan aivan turha tekele. MItään järkeviä arviointeja en kirjalle löydä, ja kaikki linkit johtaa paikkoihin joitten nimessä on jotan tyyliin "Americans for Truth" tai "Concerned Mothers".

Tästä tekstistä kannattaisi lukea kohta 6


josta lainaus

The research designs used in the studies on gay parents and their children are the predominant methods used throughout the entire discipline of psychology. Opponents of gay parents attempt to hold a specific area of psychological research to a standard that is not applicable to research in this field. If their complaints about the research on gay parent families were valid, the vast majority of research in child development, and in the field of psychology more broadly, would have to be dismissed as unscientific.

The anti-gay activists' characterization of the body of research on gay parents as flawed is baseless. More to the point, they fail to produce any studies supporting the contrary position that lesbians and gay men are less capable parents or that their children are disadvantaged in any way. Those who do claim to have such studies are referring to the work of Paul Cameron. As discussed in Chapter 4, Cameron, who runs the anti-gay advocacy organization, the Family Research Institute, has been thoroughly discredited in his profession for distorting the data on homosexuality.

Lisäksi oikeasti Amerikan lastenlääkäriliiton kanta on seuraava

Increasing numbers of children have been adopted by gay or lesbian individuals or couples in recent years. In some states this has stimulated political debate and public policy change. A growing body of scientific literature reveals that children who grow up with one or two gay and/or lesbian parents will develop emotionally, cognitively, socially, and sexually as well as children whose parents are heterosexual. Parents’ sexual orientation is much less important than having loving and nurturing parents.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes the diversity of families. We believe that children who are born to, or adopted by, one member of a gay or lesbian couple deserve the security of two legally recognized parents. Therefore, we support statutory and legal means to enable children to be adopted by the second parent or coparent in families headed by gay and lesbian couples.

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